.. _maintainer_tasks: Maintainer Tasks ================ Abstract -------- Documentation for package maintainer related tasks. Pushing Documentation to GitHub ------------------------------- Source: http://daler.github.io/sphinxdoc-test/includeme.html You need to have the neccessary setup as detailled in the link above. The gh-pages branch is assumed to be checked out **next** to this repo, named `nexiles.gateway-app-template-docs`. There's a fabric task for pushing everything to gh-pages. This will **automatically** commit and push, but **only the generated HTML on the gh-pages branch**:: $ workon nexiles.gateway-app-template $ fab release_docs Please make sure to check the docs using:: $ workon nexiles.gateway-app-template $ fab docs Look for warnings in the console, and visually check formatting. Updating the Windchill App Template ----------------------------------- To iterate (build, pack, upload) the Windchill app template which `nexiles.tools.api`_ uses by default, do:: $ workon nexiles.gateway-app-template $ fab build:which=windchill This will: - Perform a *production* build - Assemble the built styles, ExtJS and Ext.ux to `static/build/windchill/AppTemplate` - Create a `app-meta.json` using the current version - Pack the app using `nxtools app pack` - Upload the app using `nxtools app upload` .. attention:: The app template uses a special `index.html` template which is copied from `static/index_windchill.html` .. _nexiles.tools.api: http://nexiles.github.io/nexiles.tools.api