.. _introduction: ============ Introduction ============ :Author: Stefan Eletzhofer :Date: |today| Problem Statement ================= For a demo app for the **nexiles|gateway developer training**, we want to create a **principal administrator** app. For this, we decided to go with a new plug-in *principal service*. Goals ===== The goal of this service is to provide an HTTP api to these resources: **teams** Per-context, listing all teams. **roles** As defined inside *teams*. Each role has members. **users** List of all users in the system. Get user data. POST edit. **groups** Display group data. List of group members. It's also a goal to prove that the plug-in approach works, and to have a plug-in example. Repository and Issue Tracker ============================ :GitHub Page: https://github.com/nexiles/nexiles.gateway.principalservice :Repository: git@github.com:nexiles/nexiles.gateway.principalservice.git :Open Issues: https://github.com/nexiles/nexiles.gateway.principalservice/issues?state=open .. vim: set ft=rst tw=75 nocin nosi ai spell sw=4 ts=4 expandtab: