
Author:Stefan Eletzhofer
Date:Juli 03, 2015

Problem Statement

When developing UI for Windchill PDMLink, the user often needs to search for business objects. For modern UI it is often wanted, that the search is paged or even using a infinite grid.

Also, more often than not, the user does not really care whether or not he searches for a particular business object type.

The low-level nexiles|gateway query interface does not allow for paged results, and also does not allow for multiple business object types in the query. Paged queries and can’t thus be implemented in a efficient manner. All results need to be fetched from the server, and paging can only be done on the client side. While this works well for small result sets, this approach is not viable for unlimited searches or medium to large result sets.


To provide a abstract API to perform queries on the server which support the following features:

  • Support paging on the server. Provide next and previous links in the result. Provide total_count in the result.
  • Directly support ExtJS store format for paged queries.
  • Support all the queries and filters the nexiles|gateway core query module supports
  • Support config specs for the most common uses for Iterated Business Objects.


  • We only report the minimum attribute set in the query results. No fancy stuff, only number and oid

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