Change Log ========== 0.6 -- unreleased ----------------- No changes yet. 0.5 -- 2024-02-27 ----------------- **FEATURES** - Port Code to Python 3 **ENHANCEMENTS** - [documentation] Fix installation documentation wrt pip usage - Fixed excessive logging 0.4 -- 2015-07-03 ----------------- **ENHANCEMENTS** - nxtools now reads default username and password from the system environment, :ref:`cli_passwords` - Added more defaults to the auto-generated config file. 0.3 -- 2015-06-08 ----------------- **FEATURES** - implemented file-fetch **ENHANCEMENTS** - Create default configuration if none is found. - Apps Api need to handle new gateway app service **BUG FIXES** - Error Handling Do not simply exit() on HTTP errors. Raise a proper exception. - Fix unzip on windows. 0.2rc2 - 2013-07-25 ------------------- **FEATURES** - Additional command `--serve` to start a local web server. - Added package standaloneApps to create windows binaries. - The `nxtools` subcommands which deal with apps now know a optional `--source-dir` parameter. **ENHANCEMENTS** - the `document-create` subcommand now no longer requires the `number` parameter. If the number is missing, the number generator of Windchill will be used. **BUG FIXES** - Changed creating the api object. Session class from package requests expects no parameter :issue: **DOCUMENTATION** - updated :ref:`app-dev-introduction` - created first draft of :ref:`app-dev-tutorial` 0.2rc1 - 2012-10-18 ------------------- **FEATURES** - A new C-level API. See :ref:`c-api` - The `nxtools` command knows now the new options `--version` and `-V`. See :ref:`nxtool-basic-usage` - The `nxtools` command knows now the new command `version`. See :ref:`nxtool-command-version` - started the development of a new C-API. - fixed `latest_iteration` vs `latest` vs `latest_released`. The `latest` option is now gone -- use the more explicit `latest_released` and `latest_iteration` flags. - the `nxtools` command now uses a default config file in `~/.nxtools/default.ini`. This file is created if not there and will be consulted for run time options. - The `nxtools` command now knows the new comands `chekin`, `checkout` and `undo-checkout`. See :ref:`nxtool-command-checkinout` - New `checkinout` api module. - The `content` module now allows to update content w/o creating a new iteration. - New `document` module. Implemented creation of `WTDocument` objects. iteration. **BUG FIXES** - fix a windows path name issue - added missing python dependencies **DOCUMENTATION** - updated command line docs -- :ref:`nxtool` - documented config file -- :ref:`nxtool_config_file` 0.1 - unreleased ---------------- **FEATURES** - command line tool -- see :ref:`nxtool` - command line tool 'list' command -- see :ref:`nxtool-command-list` - command line tool 'content-list' command -- see :ref:`nxtool-command-content-list` - command line tool 'content-add' command -- see :ref:`nxtool-command-content-add` - command line tool 'content-delete' command -- see :ref:`nxtool-command-content-delete` - query module -- see :ref:`module-query` **CHANGES** - internalized the `slumber` library -- upstream does not react on pull request :( **BUG FIXES** - issues #1 -- traceback on content delete **DOCUMENTATION** - started initial documentation - installation docs -- :ref:`installation` - resources docs -- :ref:`resources` - tutorial -- :ref:`tutorial` - tutorial -- :ref:`tut-introduction` - tutorial -- :ref:`tut-queries` - tutorial -- :ref:`tut-low-level-api` - module docs.