.. _installation: ============ Installation ============ :Author: Stefan Eletzhofer :Date: |today| Abstract ======== Here we'll show how the package is installed. .. _installation-prerequisites: Prerequisites ============= Server Side ----------- **Windchill** You need a Windchill Server, version 11.1 or 12.0.2 to use this API. **nexiles.tools** You need *nexiles.tools* installed on the Windchill *server*. Contact nexiles at info@nexiles.com if you do not have *nexiles.tools* For this package to work, we need at least version 1.2 of *nexiles.tools*. Client Side ----------- **Python** We need Python, obviously. Currently, we only support recent Python 3.x, and we test using 3.11.7. .. note:: Windows users: Please make sure that your python installation directory is in your %PATH%. Please do *also* make sure that the `Scripts` directory below the python installation directory is in your %PATH%, too. .. _installation-pip: Installation ============ We generally recommend to use pip_ to install packages. .. _pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip To install, do:: $ pip install nexiles.tools.api To upgrade a existing version, do:: $ pip install -U nexiles.tools.api .. vim: set ft=rst tw=75 nocin nosi ai sw=4 ts=4 spell expandtab: