.. _tut-introduction: ====================== Tutorial: Introduction ====================== :Author: Stefan Eletzhofer :Date: 2012-05-22 Installation ============ Before starting the tutorial, you need to *install* the API to your local computer. This is easily done:: $ pip install nexiles.tools.api .. note:: we do not have a official build yet, so please see :ref:`installation-source-develop` This should install *nexiles.tools.api* and it's dependencies on your machine. Let's verify that by importing the module. Fire up the **Python REPL** and try to import the package:: $ python >>> import nexiles.tools.api This should not raise a error. If you get a `ImportError` exception, then verify that you have the correct python in path and that the installation of the package worked. Connecting and getting the API object ===================================== For all the following examples, you need to have API object which holds the base URL and your authentication information. To get hold of the API object, you use the :py:func:`nexiles.tools.api.get_api` function:: >>> from nexiles.tools.api import get_api >>> api = get_api("http://example.com", username="stefan", password="pass") That's it -- you're now able to talk to Windchill (TM). .. vim: set ft=rst ts=4 sw=4 expandtab spell tw=78 :