Tutorial: Performing Queries


Stefan Eletzhofer




In this tutorial chapter you’ll learn how to use nexiles.tools.api to perform queries programmatically.


So lets get started and perform a query. You’ll use the nexiles.tools.api.query.query function:

>>> from nexiles.tools.api.query import query
>>> result = query(api, type="document", limit=10)

This will perform a query for the resource documents – which stands for the Windchill PDMlink business object WTDocument (see Resources) – and limits the query to 10 results.

Let’s inspect the results:

>>> len(items)
>>> results[0].keys()
{u'name': u'Important Document.doc', u'oid': u'OR:wt.doc.WTDocument:4711', u'url': u'http://...'}

What’s this?

  • The query returns a sequence of mappings as a result

  • The mappings contain the name and the oid of the result item, and a url.

  • The url points to the specific REST resource for that result. This means, that the above query did not return the full objects, but pointers to them.


Obviously, you’ll get different results – but you get the idea.

Workspace Queries

You can query for workspaces, too. Lets find all workspaces:

>>> results = query(api, type="workspace")

The usual name filter also works. Let’s filter by name:

>>> results = query(api, type="workspace", name="foo")

Queries for users, creators or modifiers

Getting all users is easy:

>>> result = query(api, type="user")

Let’s query all EPMDocuments modified by orgadmin:

>>> result = query(api, type="epmdocument", modifier="orgadmin")

Let’s query all EPMDocuments modified and created by orgadmin:

>>> result = query(api, type="epmdocument", modifier="orgadmin",
... creator="orgadmin")

Complex queries

What about a more complex query? I hear you – so let’s start with simple wildcards:

>>> results = query(api, name="Important*.doc")
>>> results = query(api, number="10*", name="*.doc")

Let’s query for all EPMDocuments which are in the workspace foo:

>>> results = query(api, type="epmdocument", workspace="foo")

or all the din parts which are in any workspace which name starts with ws_:

>>> results = query(api, type="part", name="din*.prt", workspace="ws_*")