Maintainer Tasks


Documentation for package maintainer related tasks.

Pushing Documentation to GitHub


You need to have the neccessary setup as detailled in the link above. The gh-pages branch is assumed to be checked out next to this repo, named nexiles.gateway-app-template-docs.

There’s a fabric task for pushing everything to gh-pages. This will automatically commit and push, but only the generated HTML on the gh-pages branch:

$ workon nexiles.gateway-app-template
$ fab release_docs

Please make sure to check the docs using:

$ workon nexiles.gateway-app-template
$ fab docs

Look for warnings in the console, and visually check formatting.

Updating the Windchill App Template

To iterate (build, pack, upload) the Windchill app template which uses by default, do:

$ workon nexiles.gateway-app-template
$ fab build:which=windchill

This will:

  • Perform a production build
  • Assemble the built styles, ExtJS and Ext.ux to static/build/windchill/AppTemplate
  • Create a app-meta.json using the current version
  • Pack the app using nxtools app pack
  • Upload the app using nxtools app upload


The app template uses a special index.html template which is copied from static/index_windchill.html